Please make sure you have read: Bucket List – A Super Important List of Goals…- PART 1 and My Bucket List and A Challenge to Everyone – PART 2
Hey guys instead of a New Year’s resolution how about 100 goals written down to get done in 3 years or less. Yeah not all of your bucket list goals can happen in 3 years…but you know what I mean …do those that CAN! An example of one that can’t be done is one that starts with : “When I am 60 years old…” when you are currently in your 20’s.
Here are goals 26-50:
26. Take a cruise around the Caribbean and pigout like never before
27. Master a new skill
28. Have a private home pool where always warm where I can just jump after practice when I ma all sweay
29. Have a Hot tub too
30. Belong to yacht club or own a nice boat that all i have to worry about is driving it.
31. Write an autobiography book
32. Do something that shows my gratitude to my mentors
33. Donate A Large Sum of Money To Cornell University…or donate a building
34. Swim with Dolphins
35. Drive on Highway 1
36. Own a Real Estate company
37. Visit Hawaii
38. Visit Fiji Island
39. Visit Maldives
40. Visit Phi Phi ISland Thailand
41. Develop a physical product, patent it, produce it in china, and sell it with infomercials
42. Produce one of the best BJJ instructioanl Series ever produce
43. Have an online BJJ class room
44. Do a documentary of the school and career
45. Become a public speaker and success coach for others specially ( highschool, collegees, universities and those with less opportunities available to them)
46. Afford airline traveling like I can afford to fill up my car with gas every week
47. Own a Porsche ( cayan, carrera, or turbo)
48. Do field trips with my team to nice places in the school van
49. Own a school van ( 15 passenger with dvd player and a martial arts library)
50. Know that at the end of the day I was my mentors top student
Hey guys I hope you are keeping up with this exercise. Once its finalize we will prioritize them 😉
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[…] Click each of these for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,Part4 […]