You should have read so far:
Goals for Athletes Part 1:
Goals for Athletes Part 2:
Goals for Athletes Part 3:
Goals for Athletes Part 4:
As promised in our last article you can multiply the effectiveness of the 3P’s method with a couple of additional techniques. First, after you have written down your goal in the positive, personal, present tense, write down three actions that you could take immediately to achieve that goal, also in the present, positive, personal tense in your spiral notebook.
…write down three actions that you could take immediately to achieve that goal, also in the present, positive, personal tense in your spiral notebook
For example: Your goal could be to reach the black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 5 years. You could write, “I earn my black belt within the next 5 years” You could then write immediately underneath:
1. I plan every day in advance.
2. I start in immediately on my most important task
3. I concentrate single mindedly on my most important task until it is complete
Whatever your goal you can easily think of three action steps that you can take immediately so that you can achieve your goal. When you write down the action steps you program them into your subconscious mind, along with the goal. At a certain point, you’ll actually find yourself taking the steps that you wrote down, sometimes without even thinking about it. And each step you take will move you more rapidly toward your ultimate objective.
There are two times a day that are ideal for writing and rewriting your goals. These are the last thing in the evening before you go to bed and the first thing in the morning before you start off. When you rewrite and review your goals in the evening you program them into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind then has an opportunity to work on your goals all night long while you are sleeping.You will often arise with wonderful ideas for things to do or people to call to help you achieve your goals.
When you rewrite and review your goals in the morning before you start off you set yourself up for positive thinking and positive acting all day long. Just as physical exercise in the morning warns up your physical body and muscles, reviewing your goals in the morning warms up your mind and prepares you to be at your best throughout the day.
The sum total result of rewriting your goals and reviewing them each day, morning and evening, is that you wil impress them ever more deeply into your subconscious mind. you will gradually move from positive thinking to positive knowing. You will develop a deep and unshakable conviction that your goals are attainable and that it is only a matter of time before you achieve them and you will be right.
Roberto Torralbas
The BJJEngineer
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