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The Muscle Up Challenge: First to 15.

While surfing the internet I decided to take a look at what teammate Mike Fowler was up to on:

I was excited to find out he had been doing some Olympic Rings training. Read all about it on:

Pretty much when Mike started it took him months to get to 1 and then to two muscle ups, but his persistent nature now has him up to 12 !!!

His goal is right now is to get 15. I thought it would be an awesome goal and one we should all work for. We will post videos of everyone who gets to 15 in this post.

Roberto Torralbas Doing 2 Muscle Ups in a Row – Currently at 4

Roberto Torralbas Attempting the Iron Cross

Mike Fowler Doing 12 Muscle Ups in a Row

Mike Fowler Doing 11 Muscle Ups in a Row

3 Responses to “The Muscle Up Challenge: First to 15.”


  1. […] Can Team Third Law BJJ catch up to Mike Fowler’s 12 muscle-ups. Mike is trying to do 15 in a row, and we are trying to beat him. Check him out right here: […]

  2. […] Can Team Third Law BJJ catch up to Mike Fowler’s 12 muscle-ups. Mike is trying to do 15 in a row, and we are trying to beat him. Check him out right here: […]

  3. […] keeping up with the challenge and now are just joining. You can find the initial challenge here : and the first update here: […]